Sit and Seek

February 10, 2025

Sit and Seek

What is the difference between ‘Seek & Sit’ and ‘Sit & Seek’?

From my perspective ‘Seek & Sit’ is to seek outside of yourself for what you want to have, to be, to experience.  Then to sit and align to that which you seek and let it manifest into your life.

What you seek is seeking you.  ‘Be’ what you are seeking and it cannot, not come into your being.

Now let us look at the ‘Sit & Seek’ portion, which again is only from my perspective.  Sit with your’Self’ and seek within to know what you truly want to have, to be, to experience.

They may at first glance appear to be a paradox yet I believe them to be the opposite sides of the same coin.  They balance each other and if you get rid of one you can no longer have the other.

I have come to know for myself that my ‘spell’-ing is crucial when riding this rhythm.  I have also come to know that we have been sold the idea that if you have this or that you will be happy, that if you can be this way or that way you will be happy, that if you have this or that experience then you will finally be happy.  And I have come to know that the only way to find true happiness is to sit and seek within to find what aligns to my heart’s true desires.  Then, and only then, do I swing to the other side to seek and sit which allows, what I truly need, to come into my experience.

I am seeking to align to what I want, and to sit with the knowing that I already have it because I am ‘be’ing the energy of that which I truly desire from my heart.

And if we really get out of this trap we can see that what we deeply desire is to be happy.  To be happy, one must ‘Be’ happy in their vibrational state of being.  To be loved, one must ‘Be’ in their vibrational state of love.  You cannot hate and experience love as they are vibrational opposites.  Yet there are times when you experience hate it can allow you to have a deeper understanding of what love is.  If you want to be loved then be in love with yourself and see all the love around you come into your experience.  Therefore, if you hate yourself then you vibrate with/as hate and as the Law of Attraction states, you can only see and experience that which you vibrate at.

Now ask your’Self’ if that is what your hearts desire is and adjust accordingly.  Without judgment and with as much self love as you can ‘Be’ and ‘Allow’ into your being.

Now I just ‘love’ that understanding…yes, pun intended!

So I will now go ‘Sit & Seek’ the love within my heart and after I feel it I will follow with ‘Seek & Sit’ to see it all around me.

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