Seek and Sit

December 2, 2024

Seek and Sit

Life is…

Life is?…

Life is…what?

Ask through the energy of ‘seeking’ for the answer to this question. And there are many ways to seek, through reading, experimenting (trial and error), writing, observing, prayer, and working with mentors who have found what they sought after.

I will add that the ‘sit’ is just as important as the ‘seek’. It is in the ‘sit’ that we can get clarity to our questions. When we ‘sit’ we are utilizing our energy with intention to hear the answer to the question we asked. The energy of the question and the energy of the answer are but different degrees on the same wavelength.

Let’s look at what the definition of seek is…attempt to find.

Let’s look at what the definition of sit is…be or remain in a particular position or state.

What are you seeking?

Is it an answer to a question? Is it a solution to a problem/challenge? Is it an object, person, activity, place, state of ‘be’-ing?…

Once you have gained clarity of that which you seek, sit. Sit with the intention/knowing that that which you seek, seeks you. Law of Attraction in action.

What is life?

There are so many ideas, beliefs, thoughts with such varied actions and behaviours from all corners of the world around this very question.

Let us, through the many ways, seek & sit to find our own answer to this simple yet complex question.

‘What is life?’

‘What is life to you?’, may be a better question to seek the answer to. Now sit with that and journal your findings.

May you forever find your balance between ‘seek’ and ‘sit’.

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