Distance Energy Healing

September 18, 2024

Energy Healing

Energy healing is a holistic practice where healers channel universal life force (or healing energy) to help balance, heal and remove blockages from clients. Flow, balance, harmony and vitality within the body can be restored and maintained during a treatment. Energy Medicine includes a variety of holistic healing modalities like: Reiki Energy Healing, Light Therapy, Acupuncture, Reflexology, Thai Massage, Tapping, Emotion Code, Body Code and Belief Code just to name a few.

Energy Medicine/Healing is based upon the pseudo-scientific premise that the human body encompasses an energetic “life force” with energy centres (chakras) and systems that keep the body’s cells healthy, functioning and alive.

Your energetic body has a direct and crucial role to play towards your wellbeing journey.  5 things to know about Energy Healing:

1. Energy Healing is Based on Scientific Fact

Everything in this universe is composed of molecules that are vibrating at various frequencies. The molecules located within our bodies are constantly vibrating and radiating positive or negative, balanced or unbalanced, opened or closed frequencies. When our organs are misaligned energetically and radiating low-vibrational frequencies, it can materialize into a variety of physical ailments and diseases.

2. Energy Medicine Can Help Heal Physical and Emotional Traumas 

Our energetic bodies are intertwined with our physical bodies. All the traumas we carry physically, emotionally and psychologically impact our energy systems causing imbalances.  To maintain vitality, the body needs its energies to have energetic space to flow freely throughout the body. When energies become imbalanced, blocked &/or trapped because of traumas, toxins, prolonged stress and muscular/fascial restrictions, it creates disturbances in our energy flow within our bodies, which over time contributes to mental, emotional issues, varied ailments, and/or disease.

3. Energy Healing is Available to Everyone 

Energy healing is available to everyone who is interested and willing to receive it. You don’t need to be spiritual or hypersensitive to energies to benefit from an energy healing treatment. We all have our own personal energetic body (electro-magnetic heart frequency as individual as our fingerprints) that needs to be brought back into balance regularly.

What is Distant Energy HealingSome energy medicine modalities, such as Emotion Code, Body Code, Belief Code, and reiki treatments to name a few, transcend time and space. Therefore, you don’t have to be located in the same room, city or even country as your energy healer to receive the benefits from energy healing treatment. 

Click here to book your Distant Healing Session today!

4. What to Expect with Energy Medicine  

During energy healing treatments, mind/body/soul is being balanced by releasing blockages and realigning the varied energy systems within the body that make up your personal energy system.  You may experience a variety of emotional or physical sensations, like tiredness, anger, sadness, emptiness, or light headedness. This usually occurs when a deeply embedded trauma or attachment is finally released from the physical, emotional and energetic bodies. It is essential to allow and support your mind/body/soul during, as well as after, your treatment as your energy aligns with it’s innate wisdom, which is within and available to us all, to rebalance and align to the ‘life force energy’.

5. Energy Medicine Works with Almost Every Other Type of Healing

Energy healing therapy has been used to treat various health conditions and complements many other forms of treatments and therapies. Combining holistic therapies, like Reiki Energy Healing, with conventional health treatments can help you optimize your health and wellbeing. There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to healing. Energy medicine doesn’t replace Western Medicine and vice versa. But, together various forms of healing modalities and therapies can work in conjunction to effectively support, balance, restore, and repair your mind/body/soul balance, restoring it to its natural state.

Want to learn more about how you can benefit from Distant Energy Healing today book your 15 minutes Discovery Call.  Book Now!

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