Human Aura Energy Field

November 5, 2024

Human Aura Energy Field

The human energy field known as the aura permeates and surrounds the human body.  Think of it like a bubble of energy that, as far as science can prove thus far, extends 8 feet away from your physical form.

A subtle manifestation of the physical, mental, and spiritual state.  It is comprised of layers of energy within and around our bodies which interact with other energy beings and the environment.

Made up of different layers and each having a specific function.  These layers help to regulate our physical, emotional and mental well-being and is believed to maintain overall health and vitality.

  • 1st layer – Physical
    • responsible for the physical body and its health
    • the blueprint for organs, tissues, and cells
  • 2nd layer – Emotional
    • governs our emotions, feelings, and moods
  • 3rd layer – Mental
    • store our thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions of reality
    • our world-view and drives our actions and behaviours
  • 4th layer – Spiritual
    • connects us to our Higher Self, soul purpose & Universe
    • most subtle level of our aura

Connects us to Divine Essence and Source of All Creation.

There are many more levels making up our energy bodies giving us a basic idea of one aspect of the unseen that influences our health and well-being.  You also sense the energy fields of others usually referred to as intuition.  There is now some equipment that has been developed letting us see some of these energy systems, such as Kirlian Photography and the Aura Camera.

Investing your time and attention caring for your energy fields will most definitely bring optimal health and vitality to your life.  There are many energy healing modalities available to us these days and since your energy field can be connected to from any distance it is so easy to find a practitioner.

If you are looking for a distance energy healing session click on the link below to book your free 15 minute Discovery call. Book Now!

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