
September 18, 2024

‘To be or not to be’

To understand how complexly simple this statement is, in my opinion, requires much contemplation, expansion in our thinking beyond our current awareness, and a lot of ‘letting go’.

For each of us ‘to be or not to be’ experienced is our ‘be’-ing in each and every moment of life.

So let us begin the journey of ‘Be’-ing.

  • Human ‘Be’-ing.  What does that really mean?
  • ‘Be’-ing in the Moment.  What does that truly mean?
  • ‘Be’ Yourself.  What does that mean?
  • ‘Be’ Unique.  What does that mean?
  • ‘Be’ Just like everyone else.  What does that mean?
  • ‘Be’ Patient.  What does that mean?
  • ‘Be’ A Good Girl.  What does that mean?
  • ‘Be’ The Best You Can ‘Be’.  What does that mean?
  • ‘Be’ What You Are.  What does that mean?
  • ‘Be’ Where You Are.  What does that mean?

There are so many more but I think you get the point.

I had a profound thought recently that has brought about this topic that I am ‘Be’-ing consumed with at this moment of my ‘Be’-ing as a human.  This is my thought drop:

“We work so hard to change that we’ve missed the fact that if we just ‘Be’ in the moment change is so much a part of nature that we will naturally change in the state of our ‘Be’-ing in each moment…so why the struggle?

For someone who has spent almost all of my life trying to change my state of ‘Be’-ing, I  totally missed this paradoxical point of ‘Be’-ing.  Yes I know I am playing quite a bit with these words, but it is for a very good reason.

When we are shaken out of our limiting state of ‘Be’-ing, whether it is through a crisis or out of just pure boredom with life, can we then ‘Be’ in another equally valuable moment, experiencing life and it’s absolute ‘Be’-ing-ness in that moment, without apology, within total ‘Be’-ing-ness to ‘Be’.  Just ‘Be’-ing!

In my life being raised in a strict religion I came to learn that there is no acceptable ‘Be’-ing state that God will be happy with, accept, allow, or tolerate in us human ‘Be’-ings.  I say that is one of the sickest traps that one will be brought to believe…it is a total set-up for failure and limits our ability to ‘Be’ at every turn.  “‘Be’ God like” they say.  Accept Jesus as your saviour and through him you might ‘Be’ someone, something of importance…all else is utter failure in God’s eyes.  I have come to ask why even try if there is no way one can ‘Be’ fully human if this is the measuring stick we are placed against.

I think we have been duped into a limiting idea of what ‘Be’ means.  Just ‘Be’…but not that way, not this way, only my way.  Institutes from various areas of life such as the religious sector, or the medical arena, etc. have been allowed to tell us, advise us, manipulate us into what the best ‘Be’-ing state is.  And after many thousand years the religion hasn’t gotten us any closer to a state of ‘Be’-ing than it ever had.  And after a few hundred years the medical field hasn’t gotten us any healthier in our increased longevity.

Religion has keep us in the perpetual search for the right way too ‘Be’ and the medical field has kept rewriting what is and what isn’t healthy for us too ‘Be’ that we are left with whiplash from looking at all the studies thrown our way as proof of their findings.  Yet I say we just need to look around and observe that these areas and many others should no longer be in charge of defining what our individual ‘Be’-ing should be, will be, must be.  Let us take back our personal right too ‘Be’.

Just as our roughly 9 billion occupants on this planet have their own individual finger prints, those very same 9 billion individuals all have their own ‘Be’-ing-ness that is not replicable in another.  Why are we expected, expecting to find our ‘Be’-ing-ness outside of ourselves?

For many reasons.  So let’s dive into all the possible reasons and let’s expand our way of ‘Be’-ing our unique valuable self that no other ‘Be’-ing on this planet can every duplicate.

A WTF list to work with to expand your ‘Be’-ing-ness.

  • Be patient
  • Be kind
  • Be humble
  • Be this
  • Be that
  • Be like a child
  • Be child like
  • Be smart
  • Be smarter
  • Be the best
  • Be better
  • Be more like…
  • Be less like…
  • Be quieter
  • Be more assertive
  • Be less pushy
  • Be a…..
  • Be the change you want to see
  • Be the change

The art of ‘Be’-ing requires the art of letting go.  What does that mean?

‘Let go of everything and see what stays’.  What I am coming to understand from my perspective is that I am an energy ‘Be’-ing.  And everything in our universe are various forms of energy as well.  And energies attract to themselves other energies, and repel from themselves other energies.  So it gives reason that I will naturally be repelled and attracted to other energies in the same way.  We are physics…’physical’.  

To allow yourself to ‘Be’ and ‘Let go’ all at the same time is an art.  It takes the skill of awareness.  Awareness of yourself, the world around you and how you operate as a ‘Human Be-ing’.  There are many ideologies that have been programmed into our communities that have us thinking we have to be either human or spiritual.  You better ‘Be’ one or the other.  Except we are both, a ‘Be’-ing in a Human suit, called a body.  

Once I came to terms with that, could I then learn how to build the skills of ‘Be’-ing a Human Being.  

Most things are harder in practice than they are in theory.

To understand and operate your energy system takes skills, and skills take time and practice.  I have come to think that ‘Be’-ing a Human is nothing but practice, practice and more practicing.  Because we, as energy, are always fluid and ever changing.  It’s like target practicing with a moving target.  Lots and lots of practice with lots of misses and a lot of almost hits with those one in a lifetime perfect hits.  

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it.  Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality.  It can be no other way”.  – Albert Einstein

So what is this so called ‘Life’ game that we find ourselves experiencing all about? 

Well, that’s a lifetime of exploration.

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