by LYA | Dec 15, 2024 | Balance
Shame Shame: a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by consciousness of wrong or foolish behaviour. Humiliated: make (someone) feel ashamed and foolish by injuring their self-respect, especially publicly. Today I could no longer distract myself from the...
by LYA | Dec 2, 2024 | Seek and Sit
Seek and Sit Life is… Life is?… Life is…what? Ask through the energy of ‘seeking’ for the answer to this question. And there are many ways to seek, through reading, experimenting (trial and error), writing, observing, prayer, and working with mentors who have found...
by LYA | Nov 5, 2024 | Energy
Human Aura Energy Field The human energy field known as the aura permeates and surrounds the human body.  Think of it like a bubble of energy that, as far as science can prove thus far, extends 8 feet away from your physical form. A subtle manifestation of the...
by LYA | Oct 31, 2024 | Energy, Mind
The Burning Bush Moment ‘I am only subject to what I hold in my mind’ This statement had me asking the following question: ‘What do I consistently hold in my mind?’ The most direct and concise answer I could come up with at this time was this: ‘If I do enough then...
by LYA | Oct 25, 2024 | Emotions, Heart
What are trapped emotions and why do we have them? To better understand the answer to this question we should first have an understanding of what an emotion is. An emotion, in its simplest form, is Energy in Motion, and energy needs something to do.  Emotions are...